Noibu is excited to announce ErrSig V4, a new update to our error signature algorithm that addresses how the NoibuJS script groups fetch errors and logs fetch URLs. Fetch errors are a type of error commonly seen in code related to making network requests. It occurs when JavaScript code calls the Fetch Method to make a HTTP request to a remote URL, and the fetch
method fails.
You may have noticed fetch errors increasing over time–so much so that they began to plague the funnel and impact performance on your Noibu console. At their core, the errors included useful information–fetch errors are real errors and can impact revenue–but because the count was so high, it was difficult to know where to start when debugging, and many clients commented that they felt overwhelmed. This was due to poor error grouping.
This problem has been addressed in ErrSig V4, the latest version of Noibu’s error signature algorithm. This update optimizes the database by removing extraneous fetch URLs from the console and properly grouping fetch errors. This grouping method prevents fetch errors from overwhelming your Noibu console, but still includes enough granular information for developers to solve the errors and deliver value.
Aside from decluttering your error tables, the impact of this change should be negligible. In the coming week, you may receive alerts that point to new fetch errors in your Funnel. While they may be under new error signatures, many of these errors are simply existing fetch errors that have been grouped under a single signature.
Learn more about Fetch Errors and how to resolve them.