In May, we introduced the Priority Issues view, a tab on the Issues table that surfaces issues that meet your domain’s minimum revenue loss threshold. Simplifying issue prioritization is a major focus of Noibu’s work this year. Through feedback sessions with Noibu users, we’ve learned that eCommerce companies consider a rich set of factors beyond revenue loss when deciding which issues to tackle first.
We want the Priority Issues view to work for you, and take as much of that manual work off your plate as possible. To that end, we’re happy to announce Priority View Defaults, a set of filters that will be applied to the Priority Issues view by default. By considering factors beyond ARL, the Priority View becomes a powerful tool for surfacing issues that meet a range of high-priority criteria.
What are Priority View Defaults?
By default, the Priority Issues view will only show issues that meet the following criteria:
- The issue is tagged with the First Party, Stacktrace, Users Clicked, No Conversion, or Checkout Only insights.
- The issue occurs on the Checkout, Collection, or Product page types.
- The issue has ARL greater than or equal to the domain’s minimum revenue loss value.
- The issue’s state is Open, New, or In Progress.
- The issue was last seen within the past 14 days.
Additionally, issues that meet any of the following criteria will be filtered out:
- The issue is tagged with the Dormant insight.
- The issue’s classification is Benign.
The default filters are hidden behind the Filters toggle. To make adjustments or apply additional filters, click the Filters toggle to expand the list.
If you deviate from the default filters, a button will appear to reset the table to the default settings.
Negative Filtering
As several of the default filters involve filtering out issues with select criteria, Noibu had to introduce a new filtering mechanic: negative filtering! When filtering by Insight or Classification, you can click the Is Not toggle to exclude issues with specific insights or classifications.