By default, the Sessions table is organized by Recent Friction Factor. The Friction Factor is a scoring metric Noibu uses to measure the difficulty a user experiences during a session on an eCommerce site. The purpose of the Friction Factor is to help you prioritize errors; a high Friction Factor indicates high frustration, and errors that cause the most friction should be addressed as quickly as possible. Additionally, by reviewing videos of sessions with a high Friction Factor, you can identify where in the purchase journey a customer encountered difficulty, which can help you diagnose the error.
Recent Friction Factor sorts the Sessions table by Friction Factor while prioritizing issues from the past seven days.
The Friction Factor is based on session symptoms, indicators of customer frustration like Rage Clicks, Page Refreshes, and Form Desertions. These are listed in each session's Session Symptoms column. Each symptom has a default friction value based on how critical an impact it has on the customer's journey. For example, a Broken Funnel Step has a high friction value, whereas a Refresh or Back Button click has a low friction value.
When calculating a session's Friction Factor, Noibu considers each symptom's Friction Factor separately, and multiplies the symptom's friction value by the number of occurrences in the session. Noibu then takes the sum of each symptom's individual Friction Factor to calculate the session's overall Friction Factor.
The formula below represents how Noibu calculates a session's Friction Factor. Here, s denotes each symptom present in the session.
Keep in mind that non-technical issues like bad UX design or unclear website copy can cause as much friction as an error. You should investigate all sessions with a high Friction Factor, even if there is no error present.
Learn more about Pinning a Session.