We've been busy here at Noibu, and we're kicking off July with a multi-feature update full of highly requested improvements. As of today, you can access your list of issues through an interactive table, tag issues with custom labels, and log into Noibu via single sign-on (SSO).
Issue Labels
Noibu clients often discover disparate issues with a similar root cause, or multiple issues isolated to the same workflow or page. To make it easier to tag and group similar issues or sessions, Noibu has introduced custom issue labels. How you name your domain’s labels is up to you, and you can keep your labels organized by selecting from a menu of tag colours. You’re free to edit or delete the label at any time.
Labels are configured at the domain level. Visit the Domains tab and select a domain to configure custom issue labels. You can also create labels on the go from the All Issues table.
Learn more about Custom Labels!
Issues Table Updates
The All Issues table has a new look! We’ve ditched the spreadsheet-style data table in favour of a clean, interactive experience that gives you enhanced control over your backlog of issues. Aside from a snazzy new look, this update comes with improved functionality, including integrated issue management, an enhanced filtering experience, and custom issue labelling.
Integrated Issue Management
The new table comes with baked-in interactive components. Before this update, you had to click into an issue to modify its assignee, state, or priority. Now, you can update these settings from the table itself. Click on an icon in the Assignee, Priority, or State column to modify the issue on the go.
Enhanced Filtering
Prior to this release, you had to filter table results at the top of every column, which made it difficult to apply multiple filters without getting lost. Now, all filtering options live in an organized menu in the top-right corner of the table. Hover over a filtering category to select an option or apply a range.
Issue Labelling
An enhanced Issues table would be incomplete without making use of the new custom labels feature. We’ve added a new Labels column, and from here you can tag an issue with one or more labels to group issues with similar properties.
There’s no limit to the number of labels you can apply to an issue. You can also create a new label from the All Issues table by clicking the + icon.
Single Sign-On
We’re happy to announce our support for OAuth2 authentication protocols with vendors such as Okta, Auth0 and Google.
Effective immediately, users can Sign in with Google to improve security by authenticating to Noibu using Google Single Sign-on. Google authentication speeds up your sign-in flow and maintains the highest security standards.
No setup is required. This is available as a sign-in method to all users.
We also support OAuth2 authentication for organizations who use it to manage user access to their systems. You can require Okta, Auth0, or other OAuth2 solutions via Company Settings by selecting Require OAuth2 Authentication.