The Stacktrace section on the Technical Details tab gives you a look under the hood at how the issue appears within your site's JavaScript. Each stackframe in the Stacktrace represents a JavaScript file where the error appears, and shows you the line of code that triggered the error. The bottom file is where the function call is initiated, and moving up the Stacktrace, you can follow the issue's impact until the final stackframe where the error is thrown.
Above the Stacktrace section, you can see the Error Signature and Error Message. Within each stackframe, the problematic line of code is tagged with a red marker and highlighted in blue.
While the Stacktrace speeds up your debugging process significantly, the source of the error may be obscured if the stackframes are pulling up minified code. However, by uploading a Source Map, Noibu can point directly at the source file and line of code that's throwing the error.
While the Stacktrace only serves JavaScript errors, Noibu has a corresponding HTTP Error Details section to help developers debug HTTP errors.
Learn more about the other sections on the Technical Details tab: Browser & OS Version Impact.