The NoibuJS script logs every user session on your eCommerce site and identifies every issue a shopper experiences throughout their journey. Given the volume of issues on most domains, it can be challenging for engineers to know where to start, and which issues to prioritize. This is where the product owner comes in. Part of a product owner's responsibilities is to sort through issues on the Noibu console and determine which need immediate attention and which can be put off or dismissed altogether. Fortunately, Noibu collects nuanced data about every issue it detects, and a product owner can use this data to parse through the pile and quickly identify high priority issues.
Priority View
Your first stop when triaging issues should be the Priority view on the Issues table. While the All Issues view lists all outstanding issues, the Priority view provides a focussed look at issues that are both revenue-impacting and resolvable. Often, engineers spend hours going down rabbit holes to investigate the cause of an issue, only to find that the issue is due to a third-party tool or another condition the engineer can't address independently. Even worse, without proper focus an engineer might waste time investigating and resolving an issue that has only occurred a few times and has a negligible impact on revenue. The Priority view does away with that guesswork by filtering for issues that meet high priority criteria.
By default the Priority view sorts issues by Annualized Loss, in descending order.
Annualized Revenue Loss, also known as Annualized Loss, is an estimate of how much revenue you stand to lose if an issue goes unresolved and its impact persists for a full year. While Annualized Loss is not the only factor to consider when triaging issues, it's arguably the most important. Issues are assigned high ARL totals if they consistently block the funnel and negatively impact conversion rates, and as long as such an issue is live in your eCommerce production environment, money is going down the drain.
Companies of different sizes have different ideas of what qualifies as high ARL. This of course depends on the company's typical annual revenue. Fortunately, you can configure your domain's Minimum Revenue Loss value in the Domain Details page. This affects the minimum amount of projected revenue loss an issue must achieve before it shows up in the Priority view.
Indicators of High Priority
Beyond ARL, consider the following indicators of priority when triaging issues:
- The issue is first-party. This means the problem is in your local codebase and not due to a third-party tool, so it will be easier to resolve the issue.
- The issue occurs at Checkout Only. This indicates the issue may affect payment processing and lead to significant revenue loss.
- The issue occurs at the Add to Cart stage. If the issue prevents shoppers from adding items to their carts, it could seriously impact conversion rates.
- The issue occurs during the Place Order stage. If the issue prevents shoppers from finalizing their orders, it can lead to significant revenue loss.
- The issue is specific to one operating system and/or browser. This will make it easier for engineers to replicate the issue, identify its cause, and action a fix.
- The issue is associated to a user click. It's much easier to diagnose the cause of an issue if it is triggered by a frontend action that an engineer can replicate.
- The issue blocks conversion completely. If the issue's presence completely blocks the funnel, it could lead to significant revenue loss.
If you determine that an error does not significantly impact your users, mark the error’s state as Closed Ignore. This removes the error from the Priority Issues view, but you can still access the error from the All Issues view.
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