Noibu uses AI to evaluate how a given issue impacts conversions to surface high-impact issues on the Priority Issues tab.
Based on the context and technical details of an issue, as well as relevant Insights and Top Symptoms, our AI engine estimates the probability that an issue has actually blocked conversions.
This feature is currently in beta, which means it’s still in development as we test and evaluate. Functionality of beta features may be limited and may change without notice.
The results of this AI prediction may be:
- Unlikely: the issue is unlikely to impact conversions
- Unknown: there was not enough information to make a confident prediction
- Likely: the issue is likely to impact conversions
Additionally, our team reviews AI predictions for certain issues, to act as an additional layer of human verification on AI predictions. You may also see the following Conversion Impact tags:
- No Impact: AI predicted the issue was unlikely to impact conversions, and it has been validated by Noibu experts as not conversion-impacting.
- Verified: AI predicted the issue was likely to impact conversions, and it has been validated by Noibu experts as conversion-impacting.
As a general rule of thumb, you should investigate issues that have a Verified and Likely conversion impact. Learn more about investigating issues.